Serenity Blue Photography was founded by Margo Upson in 2011. During the first few years, Serenity Blue specialized in lifestyle portraits. After a hiatus, Margo returned to photography, shifting gears towards nature photography, with a focus on the Central New York area.
About Margo:
This is the part where I’m supposed to tell you how photography is in my blood (I have childhood pictures that prove otherwise), or that my camera never leaves my hands (actually, my cell phone has a decent camera, and is a lot easier to carry).
I live in Central New York with two kids, two cats, and a patient partner (who regularly accompanies me on my photography trips). I work full time at a local nonprofit and run a small marketing business on the side. On quiet weekends, I head off along local trails to enjoy the sights and to take a few pictures.
I started taking pictures in high school, during a photography course. Year later, after acquiring a decent digital camera and a couple of kids (mine) to practice on, I fell in love with it all over again. I spent some time as a family and lifestyle photographer, and while I enjoyed working with local families and loved helping to capture their memories, I had to step back. Life was busy, and I didn’t have the time to give.
That didn’t mean I hung up my camera, however. Stepping back from paid photography gave me more time and energy to pursue what I really loved: nature photography. My subjects are considerably less cooperative now, but the challenge is more rewarding.
When I have a bit of downtime, I am either reading or catching up on old tv shows with my partner. I am mildly addicted to iced coffee, eat more pizza than probably recommended, and am forever misplacing my camera battery charger.